Training Program on the "Reporting Obligation on the Ratified ILO Conventions"

09 May 2024, Thursday

The training program on the "Reporting Obligation on the Ratified ILO Conventions" took place on 7-9 May 2024 in Ankara, in cooperation between our Directorate General and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for Türkiye.
The training program on the "Reporting Obligation on the Ratified ILO Conventions" took place on 7-9 May 2024 in Ankara, in cooperation between our Directorate General and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for Türkiye.

Training Program on the "Reporting Obligation on the Ratified ILO Conventions"

The training program on the "Reporting Obligation on the Ratified ILO Conventions" took place on 7-9 May 2024 in Ankara, in cooperation between our Directorate General and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for Türkiye.

The training program, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the implementation reports submitted by our country to the ILO Committee of Experts by preparing them from a more participatory perspective, began with opening speeches by our Director General Oğuz TUNCAY and the Director of the ILO Office for Türkiye, Yasser HASSAN.

The program started with talks aimed at informing the participants about International Labour Standards and Basic Labour Rights and Principles covering issues such as child labour, trade union rights and freedoms, discrimination, forced labour and occupational health and safety, and continued with workshops on the reporting process.

The training program was attended by the staff of our Directorate General responsible for preparing the implementation reports of the ILO Conventions which are ratified by our country and which are currently in force, as well as experts from the departments of our Ministry, relevant organizations, other Ministries and social parties who contributed to the reporting process.

At the end of the training program, participants were given their attendance certificates.

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