9th Round of the Negotiations on Social Security Agreement was Held in Japan

20 January 2025, Monday

A delegation comprising the representatives of our Ministry and Social Security Institution (SSI) and officials of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan convened in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, for the 9th Round of Negotiations on signing a social security agreement between the two countries.
A delegation comprising the representatives of our Ministry and Social Security Institution (SSI) and officials of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan convened in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, for the 9th Round of Negotiations on signing a social security agreement between the two countries.
A delegation comprising the representatives of our Ministry and Social Security Institution (SSI) and officials of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan convened in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, for the 9th Round of Negotiations on signing a social security agreement between the two countries.

9th Round of the Negotiations on Social Security Agreement was Held in Japan

A delegation comprising the representatives of our Ministry and Social Security Institution (SSI) and officials of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan convened in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, for the 9th Round of Negotiations on signing a social security agreement between the two countries.

At the meeting, the Turkish delegation was presided by Vice President of SSI İsmail ERTÜZÜN and Hideya SATO, Senior Regional Coordinator for the First Middle East Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, headed the Japanese delegation. Authorized personnel of both countries in the fields of labour and social security also attended the meeting.

During the negotiations, which occurred in a positive atmosphere, it was emphasized that the Agreement would strengthen the amicable relations between Türkiye and Japan, and contribute to the protection of social security rights of the citizens of both countries.

Subsequent to the negotiations lasting three days, the sides have come to an agreement on the maintenance of mutual contact through talks to be held online. In the case that a middle ground is found, the next round of negotiations has been decided to be held in Ankara.

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